2/9 主的命令
2/9 Lord’s Command
1/26 福音的大能
1/26 The power of Gospel
1/6 新年新开始
1/6 New Year New Begining
12/8 从路得记看人际关系
12/8 From Ruth to see personal relationship
11/24 重建破碎心灵
11/24 Rebuild the broken Spirit
11/10 擴張帳幕
11/10 Expand the Tabernacles
11/3 建造蒙福神的家
11/3 Build a blessing home
10/27 珍惜光陰
10/27 Treasure your Time
10/6 享受靈修
10/6 Enjoy Spiritual Devotion
9/29 你當剛強壯膽
9/29 Be Strong and Courageous
9/8 跟隨主的腳步
9/8 Follow Lord’s footsteps
9/1/19 被神修剪的生命
9/1/19 A life was cut by God
8/18 把握時機
8/18 Get the right Opportunities
8/4/19 神話語的大能
8/4/19 The power of God’s word
7/28/19 興起發光
7/28/19 Arise and Shine
7/21/19 作貴重器皿
7/21/19 Be a precious vessel
7/7/19 主的恩典夠我用
7/7/19 Lord’s Grace is sufficient for me
6/9 渴慕神
6/9 Thirsty for God
6/2 充滿空器皿
6/2 Fill empty vessels