▼歡迎聽劉彤牧師5分鐘靈修專線 415-593-9280
Welcome to listen to Pastor Tong Liu’s 5 min. Spiritual Hotline from 415-593-9280.
▼鼓勵大家寫見證, 可刊登教會的網站
Encourage everyone to write your testimonies to post them on our church website.
▼請參加教會的一年讀經計劃, 附網上讀經表
Welcome to participate our one-year bible study program.

歡迎您查看榮光靈糧堂的福音見證, 並請点击下面按钮:
Welcome to check out GLCC’s Christian Testimonies, please hit the button below:
Link to Chinese testimonies

  1. 一年读经计划 One Year Bible Study Program
  2. BBN 電台 Radio
  3. 荒漠甘泉 Streams in the desert
  4. 网上圣经 Bible CCIM
  5. 跨越人生 A Life of Victory
  6. 灵修专线 Spiritual Hotline
  7. 良友電台 Liang You Radio